
The biofuel of the future

Fast facts


Always renewable in your tank. ED95 is used in modified engines, it guarantees durable transportation.


ED95 guarantees sustainable transportation and reduced climate impact.

The biofuel for sustainable transportation

ED95 is an ethanol-based fuel for lorries and buses with modified diesel engines. It consists of approx. 95 per cent ethanol and function-enhancing additives.

ED95 significantly reduces climate impact – and is a sustainable biofuel for heavy vehicles such as buses and lorries. By running on ED95 instead of diesel, emissions of carbon dioxide from buses and lorries decreases by up to 90%.

The latest generation of ethanol engines from Scania is certified according to the highest requirements on the market today: Euro 6. Scania’s ethanol engines with ED95 emit significantly lower levels of nitrogen oxides and particles than the limit values ​​that apply for Euro 6, which is good for both the environment and air quality. The ethanol Sekab delivers always meets with the sustainability regulations set out by the Swedish Energy Agency and the EU, but in fact lives up to significantly higher requirements.

Distribution on your terms

If more lorries and buses were to use ED95ethanol fuel, this would benefit both the environment and the climate. Consequently, Sekab is working for the expansion of the infrastructure – so that more people have the opportunity to use ED95. A single diesel lorry emits as much carbon dioxide as 10 lorries running on ED95.

ED95 for climate-friendly transport

Basically, everything we consume is transported on our roads. This means that freight and passenger transport accounts for a growing share of greenhouse gas emissions. Both the Swedish government and the EU have set environmental goals such as reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and, for Sweden’s part, a fossil-fuel independent vehicle fleet in 2030. A major transition is required in order to achieve these goals. Functioning transportation is absolutely essential for a functioning society, but the climate impact of our transportation must be reduced.

It is not realistic to phase out road transport; however, we would gain great climate and environmental benefits by exchanging fossil fuels for sustainable biofuels. ED95 is as efficient as diesel for heavy transport, but much better from the perspective of emissions of carbon dioxide. Using ED95 reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to 90 per cent compared to diesel.

Renewable and environmentally friendly

ED95 is a renewable biofuel composed of 95 percent ethanol. By renewable we mean that the raw material that we produce the ethanol from is constantly re-created as part of the natural cycle of nature.

It also includes materials in the natural carbon cycle, so the production of the ethanol we use does not release the carbon dioxide that is bound in the soil, as is the case in the production of fossil fuels.

ED95 produced with sustainable ethanol is an environmentally friendly renewable fuel with low environmental impact, both in its use and in its production.

For a cleaner urban environment

ED95 was developed in the 1980s to overcome the problems we still have in our cities today, namely exhaust fumes from traffic.A transition from fossil fuels to ethanol implies both environmental and health benefits.

Make heavy transport climate smart with the right fuel

ED95 is a well-proven alternative to diesel creating small local emissions and providing very large climate benefits. Quite simply it provides climate-smart transportation.

For customers with particularly high demands regarding reduced carbon dioxide emissions, we deliver ED95 manufactured from forest ethanol, a second-generation ethanol made from residual products from existing production. This means that no arable areas are used and that the fuel does not compete with food production. Ethanol is the world’s largest biofuel and it is never a problem to get hold of sustainable ethanol. In addition to the Swedish forest as a raw material, ethanol can be made from anything that contains sugar or starch.

ED95 – a renewable alternative to diesel

ED95 is a renewable alternative to diesel, but with similar properties for the engines. Only certain modification of the engine is required, and this is something that Scania has long experience of.

Many different tools will be required in order to create sustainable heavy transportation. Biofuels are one of the most important – several renewable fuels are needed in the conversion to a fossil-free vehicle fleet.

Quick facts


Always renewable in your tank. ED95 is used in modified engines, it guarantees durable transportation.


ED95 guarantees sustainable transportation and reduced climate impact.


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