The second webinar by the EU project REWOFUEL – REsidual soft WOod conversion to high characteristics drop-in bioFUELs, was held in the beginning of December. The specific topic of the webinar was to address the sustainability aspects in the value chain focusing on “Application of LCA on innovative biorefinery concepts – The case of isobutene”.

The first step of the REWOFUEL value chain is to convert soft wood residuals to hydrolysate and lignin, which is performed by Sekab E-technology with the CelluAPP technology platform. Residual wood hydrolysate is then processed to bio-isobutene by Global Bioenergies. Part of the Horizon 2020 project REWOFUEL is also to perform global sustainability analysis of the value chain. This analysis is conducted by the Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, the main presenter of the December webinar.

Dr. Karin Fazeni-Fraisl from the Energieinstitut, shared how they are responsible for assessing the environmental and social dimension of sustainability for establishing a wood residue to sustainable aviation fuel pathway. This work is divided into three subtasks covering:

  1. Assessment of the conversion pathways concerning environmental performance conducting a full life cycle analysis
  2. Socio-economic analysis
  3. Public acceptance

The current status of this interesting work done by the Energieinstitut within the REWOFUEL project is, that they are:

  • Developing allocation procedures for by-products and
  • Compiling Life Cycle Inventory in exchange with process development

For more details about the work performed by the Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz please watch this webinar.

To find out more about the REWOFUEL project visit its website

The REWOFUEL project’s third webinar will focus on the possibilities with lignin substituting bitumen in asphalt. This webinar is scheduled to February 18th. I hope to see you then!

Lena Nordgren, Biofuel Expert, Sekab BioFuels & Chemicals