With a European election year underway, there is significant focus on what European politicians need to deliver to secure employment and growth on our continent. It’s crucial for the industry to speak clearly and with one voice in this debate, most recently through the Antwerp Declaration. However, it’s equally important for the industry itself to be part of the change it wants to see.

Even small investments can be made today. Choosing a European producer of the chemicals that are fundamental to every aspect of the manufacturing industry creates security in your own supply chain and resilience for uncertain times ahead. Opting for a European producer that also offers bio-based products creates a competitive advantage that will only grow as the chemical industry’s seven percent share of global emissions receives more attention.

It all starts with the raw material. Without fossil-free raw materials, there can be no fossil-free products. Collaborations throughout value chains—from basic chemicals to end products—are crucial for both individual companies and for Europe as an industrial continent.

As a European producer with bio-based platform chemicals already available today, we at Sekab are more than ready to be the partner that many need on this journey—an investment in and for all of us.

Sofia Domeij
Sales Manager


This is the concluding comment of  Sekab newsletter, this time by Sales Manager Sofia Domeij, read all our newsletters here