Current assignment


– Injecting New Life into Cellulosic Ethanol Production

Fast facts


On-going project: 2019-2021


4.1 Million EURO, of which 2.1 Million EURO was granted to SEKAB E-Technology AB

EU Programme

Horizon 2020: European Innovation Council Fast Track to Innovation (FTI)

Project type

Innovation support programme promoting close-to-the-market innovation activities

The NewLiEP project aims at optimizing both conversion of woody materials into fermentable sugars and utilization of these sugars by fermentation microorganisms.

This will be achieved by combining and further developing Sekab’s pre-treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis technology for effective production of fermentable sugars. The sugars will subsequently be fermented by genetically modified yeast strains, capable of utilizing larger variety of sugars in a shorter time and showing better resistance to inhibitors brought about by pre-treatment process. The performed project combines the know-how and IP of the Sekab and partners and targets highest possible ethanol yield and productivity from residual lignocellulosic feedstocks such as sawdust.

The project goals are to demonstrate the possibility of commercializing of the technologies in question by verifying them in industrial scale for customer evaluations. NewLiEP builds on the successful development of the fermentation concept CoRyFee, see detailed description in separate project description with the same name, that was jointly developed Sekab and partners in a previous EU-project with the same name. The key feature of the technology is that it enables stable fermentation operation and control over long periods of time. In short, one main feature of the CoRyFee concept is a new and patented fermentation control system based on Refractive index (RI) measurements.

The RI technology enables a real time automated control of the fermentation by maintaining the sugar concentrations in the fermentation unit at levels where the fermentation is the fastest and most efficient. The fermentation method thus allows for a greater level of automatization at optimal conditions to achieve not only faster fermentation but also higher yields than non-controlled optional technologies over longer periods of time.

The work will be performed by Sekab with support of other project partners in the Biorefinery Demo-Plant (BDP) in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. The results will form basis for the calculation of investment requirements (CAPEX) and operating expenses (OPEX) for full-scale facilities to be evaluated for future investments. Greenhouse gas reduction (% GHG) will also be calculated to fully understand the potential GHG reduction in comparison to fossil fuels by employing the process at industrial scale.

Quick facts


On-going project: 2019-2021


4.1 Million EURO, of which 2.1 Million EURO was granted to SEKAB E-Technology AB

EU Programme

Horizon 2020: European Innovation Council Fast Track to Innovation (FTI)

Project type

Innovation support programme promoting close-to-the-market innovation activities

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