Current assignment


– biofuels from sustainably managed forests

Fast facts

Bioetanol's capacity

65,000 metric tons per year, corresponding to 400,000 cars’ consumption of E10 fuel

Biogas capacity

250 gigawatt hours per year, equivalent to 30,000 cars’ consumption

Lignin capacity

230,000 metric tons per year

Fertilizer capacity

64,000 metric tons per year


EUR 150 million, corresponding to SEK 1.56 billion

Planned operational start



Directly adjacent to the power plant in Haapavesi, 120 km south of Oulu in northern Finland

Sekab is the technology supplier in Finland’s investment in bioethanol

The goal for The Nordfuel bio refinery in northern Finland is to make am investment decision in 2022, it is a facility that will produce bioethanol and biogas from forest residues. The investment amounts to over SEK 1.5 billion and Sekab is delivering the technology.

– Europe needs all the bioethanol that can be produced to deal with with climate change. Residual products from the forest are among the most climate smart alternatives we can use as raw materials, which is possible with our technology Celluapp, says Tino Lassmann, project manager and CelluApp manager at Sekab.

Since March, SEKAB’s CelluApp technology has been testing the wood raw material that will be used when the company, Kanteleen Voima, launches Nordfuel in Finnish Haapavesi in 2021. Nordfuel will become a full-scale bio refinery producing bioethanol and biogas for vehicle fuel, lignin to fuel the Haapavesi power plant, as well as manure.

The total investment is just over SEK 1.5 billion and when in operation, Nordfuel will be the Nordic region’s largest biogas production plant.

– For us, it was obvious who would become our technology supplier in this project. SEKAB has long and solid experience of producing bioethanol from residual forest products, and the Celluapp technology is a world leader of its kind, says Teija Mäyrä, Chief Technology Officer at Kanteleen Voima.

SEKAB’s technology platform, CelluApp, makes it possible to extract cellulose sugar and lignin from forest or agricultural residues for further processing into, for example, biofuels or renewable chemical products. The technology can be used in new bio refineries or to develop existing facilities.

Quick facts

Bioetanol's capacity

65,000 metric tons per year, corresponding to 400,000 cars’ consumption of E10 fuel

Biogas capacity

250 gigawatt hours per year, equivalent to 30,000 cars’ consumption

Lignin capacity

230,000 metric tons per year

Fertilizer capacity

64,000 metric tons per year


EUR 150 million, corresponding to SEK 1.56 billion

Planned operational start



Directly adjacent to the power plant in Haapavesi, 120 km south of Oulu in northern Finland

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